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About Kenzie -
While I take my work very seriously and will put in as many hours as it takes to make sure your project is as close to perfect as possible, I am a playful, rule-breaking, wild-child at heart. I love all caps and exclamation points and run on sentences and for the longest time I was convinced I would be the president or a diplomat one day. I decided to make art instead, but the “advocate” in me is still committed to coming alongside you and doing everything in my power to bring your ideas to life.
My Life
(a scrapbook)
from my second grade journal -
"I wont to be betr at makeing picshrs."
Translation: "I want to be better at making pictures."
thanks for being a part of making little Kenz's dreams come to fruition. i would not be here without you.
me as a FRESH newborn, screaming,
& my cute lil mom
little easter kenz
c. 1999
little miss reading a cookbook -
coincidentally reading & cooking are still two of my favorite hobbies (also the DRAMA of those sunglasses, another favorite hobby of mine)
i have a vague memory of this photo being taken and being told that i could go play in the little kiddie pool outside if i would just smile, ha
at my grandparents house! please notice that i cut my own bangs
first day of 3rd grade!
my home town hosted an "end of summer" event every year, and the rock climbing wall was always one of my favorite parts. i grew up going rappelling with my dad - he loves being outside and anything involving adrenaline - so i definitely felt the need to show off by beating everyone else to the top.
at Dollywood with my childhood best friend Kassidy
c. 6th or 7th grade
one of the first creative photo shoots i remember modeling
for. my friend Alaina and i went to my favorite bookstore and took photos inside
circa 2019
my friend Bailey was one of the people who inspired me to start taking photography seriously. she had been a professional photographer for a couple of years when we first met, and she invited me along to a wedding and second shoot for her. she snuck this photo of me that day while we were taking photos of the bride and her bridesmaids.
i went with my mom, grandmother, and aunts on a cruise at the very beginning of 2020. i had just gotten my first camera and took it along, photographing people on the cruise the way Lilo photographed tourists. this photo of my reflection was taken while standing on the balcony outside my room.
in Moab, Utah on a trip with friends
in Myrtle Beach, SC on a trip with friends
Being a “creative” (whatever that even means lolol) feels like walking around with my heart on my sleeve. My art is such a core part of me. While I know art is subjective and not EVERYONE is going to resonate with my work, I have such a deep appreciation for people like you who DO get it. Thank you for being here & for considering me to be a part of whatever important project you've been dreaming up. It means the world to me. I would love to work with you and hope to hear from you soon!
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